YACF Seminar on Redemption Procedure

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YACF organizes seminar on redemption procedure in collaboration with the Finland Chamber of Commerce. The seminar will take place at the premises of Finland Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, 8 October 2024. 

The event starts at 16.00 and will cover subjects mentioned below:

  • Administration of the redemption proceedings (Henrik Sajakorpi, Secretary General, the Finnish Arbitration Institute)
  • The basics and the special characteristics of redemption proceedings (Ville Pönkä, Professor of Private Law / Vice Dean (research), University of Helsinki)
  • Practical remarks on the role of trustee (Caius Honkanen, Partner, Welling Lagerstedt & Honkanen Attorneys)

The seminar will be in Finnish and it is followed by food, drinks & mingling.

You can also send in questions related to redemption proceedings in advance. We highly encourage you to send questions in beforehand but we kindly ask you to note, that the questions should not relate to any redemption proceedings pending at the moment

The event is open for all YACF members. Log in to register and send in advance questions. Please register soon as there are limited number of places to the event.


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